Monday, May 12, 2008

Re-Inventing the Ritual...

So, in honor of myself moving back to D.C. (I knew I'd be back one day), I've decided to dig up my old blog grave, and attempt once again, to dedicate myself to keeping a somewhat daily journal of the ever-so-exciting events of my life. For the few of those who actually read this, and did not know me when I lived in D.C. the first time, let me back up for a quick second and clear the water for you:

My roommate and I, when I lived in D.C. back in 2005, kept a daily journal of ourselves and the trouble we got into. I unfortunately, put that blog to rest, never to be found again, which I seriously regret because it was actually hilarious.

I am now returning, and determined to entertain myself and anybody else who desires to read this. For now, I will keep this at an introduction, stay tuned...